the surrounding neighbourhood is dominated with modest vacation houses and retirement homes.
intrigued by the idea of mimicking a similar sense of modesty, the architects planned the dwelling
to ''hide'' behind a protruding mailbox. the northwest elevation, when looked at square on,
does not offer much indication of the biggest feature of the house--the sculptural wall-veranda--but
rewards those who investigate the house further by seemingly unveiling itself as one deviates
from the straight approach.
mcbride charles ryan: letterbox house
intrigued by the idea of mimicking a similar sense of modesty, the architects planned the dwelling
to ''hide'' behind a protruding mailbox. the northwest elevation, when looked at square on,
does not offer much indication of the biggest feature of the house--the sculptural wall-veranda--but
rewards those who investigate the house further by seemingly unveiling itself as one deviates
from the straight approach.
mcbride charles ryan: letterbox house