- You could use your pig to save money. Every time you slide the credit card trough the card reader in your ceramic pig the software will automaticly connect directly to your private bank account and some amount of money will be deposit on account. The amount could be set by Credit Card Pig Bank software installated on your computer. Your pig is wireless, and will connect automaticly to the computer over the bluetooth technology.
- Credit Card Pig Bank could be used on public places for collecting donations for different purposes. Becouse pig is wireless you could put it on any place in shopping mall, banks, posts ... You could use as many pigs as you like in one network, they will all connect over the bluetooth to the server that will make connection to the bank account and deposite the money from any pig in system.
- Credit Card Pig Bank could be used on public places for collecting donations, but if there`s no need for many devices in network, you could use only one pig connected over the bluetooth to the computer that is connected to bank over the internet.Credit Card Piggy Bank
- Credit Card Pig Bank could be used on public places for collecting donations for different purposes. Becouse pig is wireless you could put it on any place in shopping mall, banks, posts ... You could use as many pigs as you like in one network, they will all connect over the bluetooth to the server that will make connection to the bank account and deposite the money from any pig in system.
- Credit Card Pig Bank could be used on public places for collecting donations, but if there`s no need for many devices in network, you could use only one pig connected over the bluetooth to the computer that is connected to bank over the internet.Credit Card Piggy Bank