The Blue2 is down to a slow dribble of finishing details- it is complete enough to occupy. The new tenants had their baby but have not moved in yet. The house-building story will end when they spend their first night in Blue2. The landscaping is yet to be finished. Nancy Stein said the landscaping is always the last thing in line to be funded and so it is often squeezed out of the equation as most of the funding has been used up for the house. As you can see in pic #5, the stage is set but the plants and irrigation are yet to be purchased or planted. I suspect if CLAM does not dig up the money for landscaping- pic #5 will be a run-a-way bed of weeds and grass in a year- is this a solicitation for help?.......yes it is.
I suspect next Friday report will be the last.
It has been more than fun and enlightening.............Terry
BTW- How about we call it the Banana House? or Mellow Yellow or Old Yeller or........?
Van Van der Maten and Colleen King volunteered to paint the Banana House.

Mixing paint.

Four chips off the new block-the executive branch of Mellow Yellow.

View from the living room. House is "baby ready" for new tenants.

Landscaping by Jim Campe and Nancy Stein. There is a wireless solar light mounted on each wood post for the path lights. They are motion activated and turn off after one minute.They are low and face down so as not to light up the "night sky" or shine in peoples faces. Rich Redimix donated all of the base rock for the parking area as well as the big chunks of rocks for landscaping and Judy Roberson of PG&E personally made and donated the beautiful mosaic tiles you can see faintly at the beginning of the path.

Bedroom. All of the wood we used for interior trim was reclaimed from construction wood donated to us by local artist Anne Francis. The two closet doors were also salvaged doors from a job I did ten years ago. The upper door on left is for access and storage to mini-attic space. the ERV service door is on right.